Blame The Car Door!

As you can see on the right side of the blog, the two first topics are...

-DIY Hair & Makeup Picture Tutorials

-DIY Hair & Makeup Video Tutorials

BUT, as you scroll through my blog, you may notice there are not any tutorials lately.  It just dawned on me the other day that I should probably share WHY you have not been seeing any tutorials.

On January 9th, I picked up my daughter from daycare.  After buckling her in her carseat, I pushed the outside of the door shut like I normally do.  Only this time, as I tried to walk away, my hand held me back.  Yep, it was shut in the door and at that moment I realized I had heard an awful sound and felt a horrible pain.  Opening the door was not a pretty sight BUT I was proud of myself for holding my tongue in front of my daughter!  Long story short...  

Arrived at hospital.  Waiting for doctors and hoping my finger is salvageable. It hurts!

Arrived at hospital.  Waiting for doctors and hoping my finger is salvageable. It hurts!

The finger is revealed.  

The finger is revealed.  

Good news and bad news.  Bad = Door broke all the way through both my nail and bone.  Good = Door only went through the center of finger, which means sides are still attached and will heal.  Six weeks in a splint and 6 months for comp…
Good news and bad news.  Bad = Door broke all the way through both my nail and bone.  Good = Door only went through the center of finger, which means sides are still attached and will heal.  Six weeks in a splint and 6 months for complete healing.
Week 3: Finger is healing well.  I am able to do hair and makeup although it is a challenge with a splint and being extra careful not to get it wet.  

Week 3: Finger is healing well.  I am able to do hair and makeup although it is a challenge with a splint and being extra careful not to get it wet.  

P.S.  Don't judge my hands.  I know I need a manicure!  

P.S.  Don't judge my hands.  I know I need a manicure!  

Week 5: The open wound is almost healed!  Feeling good and ready to take the darn splint off!  One more week!

Week 5: The open wound is almost healed!  Feeling good and ready to take the darn splint off!  One more week!

And this folks, is why the tutorials have taken a break.

And this folks, is why the tutorials have taken a break.

There you have it in a nutshell!  I hope I didn't gross you out too bad ;)  Thank you for being patient!  Bottom line...