Transitional Outdoor Seasonal Decor

As we near the middle of November, fall is definitely in full swing here in Colorado and winter is right upon us.  Many of us are pulling out Christmas decor or at least thinking about it.  So before we jump into winter decor, let's just relish in the moment.

I have a confession to make.  I didn’t buy a pumpkin this year.  Not. A. Single. One. I’m not a hater but just didn’t want to overdo it like I know I can.

With a mission of simplicity, try to go with transitional front porch decor.  Meaning things that can easily be changed from season to season with ease and a minimal budget.  I pretty much keep a handful of classic items and switch them in and out with a different flare each season and year after year before I retire them completely.  The three main components here are the big urn, the lanterns, and the pillows.  

The urn can be filled with seasonal plants or forage.  This fall I chose to do boxwood plants that came from my sister's property in Missouri and some eucalyptus from Trader Joes at $3-4 a bunch.   

The lanterns can set on the ground or tables, hung or a combination of both.  They can be filled with forage, candles, decor, pretty much anything.  This fall I chose to leave them empty. 

Pillows.  As minimalist as I try to get, I may be a pillow hoarder.  BUT they add so much to a room!  Pillows can easily be changed out if you get ones with pillow cases.  I got the orange and tan pillows years ago at Hobby Lobby and the tree/bird ones I just picked up at an Estate sale not long ago.  Outdoor cushions can be costly so you can make any pillow suitable for the outdoors by spraying them with Scotchgard.

I hope everyone has been having a wonderful fall so far.  I'll be back with the winter porch decor in December.  

Any tips or tricks you have for keeping your seasonal decor simple but with big impact?

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